Chess 101
Chess 101

All Ages
This class goes over the fundamentals of chess and chess strategy. Play will also involve chess clocks and writing down their moves in an algebraic format.
Year Round
Thursdays: 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Folsom Sports Complex

Chess is a game that teaches you to think ahead constructively and creatively. You have to visualize what is going to happen next. Learning how to use all of your pieces constructively and creatively in perfect harmony with each other allows you to have the perfect blueprint to build a business, a perfect character and a perfect life. It is one of the greatest mind building activities a child or an adult can engage in, learning how to plan ahead and problem solve.
Solving your problems intelligently, gracefully and shrewdly. It also teaches a child to learn how to plan. And once things change to make new plans. It is such a great game that it has been highly regarded for centuries and even played by Kings.